Adventure Therapy Program

At Adventure Therapies we offer a unique program where clients can learn new skills that will greatly benefit them when moving forward in their healing process. Our adventure therapy program helps clients build confidence and master self-control. This can be done individually or in groups. This program is also great for team building and family bonding.

As part of our adventure therapy we incorporate hiking, biking, kayaking, paddel-boarding and/or high and low rope courses to challenge individuals to become the person they know they can be. This helps with identifying internal behavior patterns, beliefs, emotions, and core issues, as well as provides opportunities for learning in the areas of basic leadership, communication/group process, and problem-solving skills.
The Adventure Therapy Staff is there to guide and support each client in their physical, emotional, and spiritual development, while exploring the breathtaking, natural beauty of the Everglades and Port of the Islands Florida.

Adventure Therapy Program Highlights:
• Inner and external awareness
• Ability to adapt to new environments
• Healing and strengthening of spirituality
• Identifying and changing of behaviors
• Responsibility and Accountability for Actions
• Self-discovery, Self-Worth, Self-Confidence
• Reduction of Barriers to healing
• Fun in Healing

We encourage individuals who are physically able and medically cleared to participate in our Adventure Program. Let your therapy guide know of any restrictions and your program will be personally adapted to fit your needs.

Adventure Outcomes:
• Coping Skills
• Cooperation
• Trust-Building
• Decision-Making
• Expression of Feelings
• Self Esteem
• Goal Setting
• Problem Solving
• Positive Risk-Taking
• Leadership Skills
• Physical Exercise
• Self Care

Therapy Goals are:
• To inspire hope, courage and confidence.
• To promote self-awareness and personal growth.
• To foster a sense of community and belonging.